Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Arlen Specter flips, now a Dem


Only comment on I have is big farking whoop. Only thing that’s changed is he’ll have a D by his name instead of R and since he votes with Dem’s most of the time we won’t notice a damn thing.

Veteran Sen. Arlen Specter announced Tuesday his intent to switch from the GOP to the Democratic Party, earning him the support of President Obama in next year's re-election campaign.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Tuesday Obama will raise money and campaign for Specter if asked.

Despite winning election to the Senate five times as a Republican, Specter has jumped ship faced with the prospect of a strong challenge from conservative Pat Toomey in the GOP primary and Pennsylvania trending Democratic.

Longtime GOP Sen. Specter Joins Democratic Party

Monday, April 27, 2009

RIP Pontiac 1907-2009

It's a very sad day. No, nothing to do with Swine Flu or Obama rocketing us toward socialism at breakneck speed or the fact I'm out of a job in 4 days. That stuff is important yes but pales next to this....and it's the death of Pontiac brand.

End a of era is so overused but for this it's true as can be. For the making the Firebird/Trans Am alone Pontiac should be saved and yes I have my own selfish reasons. Don't most? Least I'm honest about it. Anyway....

Just mentioning Trans Am to me instantly transports me back to the summer of 1977. Being 9 years old at the time I went with my best friend Charlie & his sisters to the local twin cinema's to see this new flick called Smokey and the Bandit. Truthfully I didn't have any idea what it was about but as we were walking in I noticed a poster up in front of the theatre:

At the time CB's were all the rage and I knew some basic terms like  Smokey referred to a cop, 99% of the time a state trooper.

Was like, ok. Yeah, that looks cool. We went in got popcorn, some candy (think Ju-Ju B's and m&m’s) and sat down in the darkened theatre. About 90 minutes later I stumbled out into the sunlight trying to make my brain digest what I had just seen. At that moment I knew that nothing else on Earth mattered but this: I wanted to be Burt Reynolds & I HAD to have a 1977 Pontiac Trans Am with the Georgia License plate on the front. The one with the confederate flag.

32 years have elapsed since that day and now. My thinking and life has a changed a lot. I no longer want to be Burt but still think he's a cool dude and good actor. The closest I ever came to owning 1977 Trans Am is a couple hot-wheels cars & a Revel model I put together(long since destroyed) You never know but perhaps someday I’ll be able to afford a blacker than night 1977 Trans-Am replete with the screaming chicken on the hood.

Ran across the below photo of Burt, Sally & the Trans Am on a random website. Looking at it takes me back to much simpler, sane time…the summer of ‘77 when it was still cool to smoke, still cool to drive a beast of a car with a Confederate flag on the front and not care a whit about political correctness. Amazing what a simple photo can do, isn’t it?


Friday, April 24, 2009

10 Questions that should be asked of Al Gore

But he won’t be because no Republican has the gonads to do it. Would be very entertaining to watch him stumble and squirm his way through these very good questions.

He (like most) are in it for the money. Bottom line, the more he scares people the more he stands to gain. If he would divest himself of all of his interests in these companies and actually start practicing what he preaches (you know, walk the walk) then I’d be far more likely to believe he’s serious about saving the planet.

Here’s just the 1st 3 questions, rest at link below

1. You are a partner in the venture capital firm of Kleiner-Perkins and a co-founder of the United Kingdom-based investment firm of Generation Investment Management, each of which stands to gain financially from greenhouse gas regulation. Please describe any other financial interests that you have in any other businesses that stand to profit from greenhouse gas regulation.
2. In October 2008, the New York Times Magazine featured a cover story on how Kleiner Perkins had invested $1 billion in 40 companies that would profit from new environmental and energy laws and regulations. What will be your share of any profits from these ventures?
3. How much of your own money have you contributed to Kleiner-Perkins, Generation Investment Management and other businesses that stand to profit from greenhouse gas regulation? If you have not contributed significant amounts of your own capital to these businesses, what, then, is your role in them? Are you a lobbyist? Are you the face of their public relations efforts?  Is your job to run around scaring politicians and the public into enacting greenhouse gas regulation?

Human Events: 10 Questions for Al Gore by Steven Milloy

100+ Tea party slogans


These are great. Some very clever people out there. Far more so than I am for sure. 20 below, link to all at the bottom.

1. Why do I feel like a ship passing Somalia?
2. Get your hands out of my Piggy Bank!
3. Give me Liberty - Not Debt!
4. My grandchildren are Pissed!
5. No - Bama; No New Tax; No Worries
6. Who is John Galt?
7. The more you make the more they take.
8. Obama - Commander in Thief.
9. Don't tax me, Bro!
10. Next time, read the bill.
11. You can't multiply wealth by dividing it!
12. Politically Homeless, please help!
13. Change or C-H-A-I-N-S ?
14. What would Reagan do?
15. Change is all we have left. (Photo of: pennies, nickels and dimes.)
16. P olosi
O bama
R eed is
K illing us
17. I am not your A T M.
18. Read my lipstick "No More Taxes!"
19. Tax Revolution Brewing.
20. Spread my work ethic, not my wealth.

From Tea Party Patriots - Over 100 Slogans I Have Accumulated From TEA Parties

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Obligatory Earth Day 2009 Post

Was going to write up a lengthy post on Earth in the lurch 2009 or evil humans are destroying the planet 2009 or what the hell ever it's called but just couldn't muster up enough gumption to give a shit. So in lieu of the diatribe I had planned here's links out the arse to some good reading on the truth about the green Nazi's

The entire environmental movement has been hijacked by displaced Commies or people who don't really care about the earth but are using the guise of "saving the planet" as a way to take our freedom and money away from us. Do you think it's a total coincidence that Earth day just happens to fall on Vladimir Lenin's birthday? No, neither do I.

Sometime today remember to start a bon-fire with your old tires (use gas to light it) and bbq up some spotted owl eggs served with a side of Bald eagle in a endangered turtles shell.

Links to my Delicious bookmarks:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Day 2009


Yeah, sure. It didn’t happen. Right…right.

Well screw the Holocaust deniers, there’s a place in hell for those feces flinging asshat’s. We must never forget this happened and always make sure the truth is taught to our children.

Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoah in Hebrew) is a national day of commemoration in Israel, on which the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust are memorialized. It is a solemn day, beginning at sunset on the 27th of the month of Nisan and ending the following evening, according to the traditional Jewish custom of marking a day. Places of entertainment are closed and memorial ceremonies are held throughout the country. The central ceremonies, in the evening and the following morning, are held at Yad Vashem and are broadcast on the television. Marking the start of the day-in the presence of the President of the State of Israel and the Prime Minister, dignitaries, survivors, children of survivors and their families, gather together with the general public to take part in the memorial ceremony at Yad Vashem in which six torches, representing the six million murdered Jews, are lit. The following morning, the ceremony at Yad Vashem begins with the sounding of a siren for two minutes throughout the entire country. For the duration of the sounding, work is halted, people walking in the streets stop, cars pull off to the side of the road and everybody stands at silent attention in reverence to the victims of the Holocaust. Afterward, the focus of the ceremony at Yad Vashem is the laying of wreaths at the foot of the six torches, by dignitaries and the representatives of survivor groups and institutions. Other sites of remembrance in Israel, such as the Ghetto Fighters' Kibbutz and Kibbutz Yad Mordechai, also host memorial ceremonies, as do schools, military bases, municipalities and places of work. Throughout the day, both the television and radio broadcast programs about the Holocaust. In recent years, other countries and Jewish communities have adopted Yom Hashoah, the 27th of Nisan, to mark their own day of memorial for the victims of the Holocaust.

Yad Vashem Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Day 2009

Torchlighters 2009

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Monday, April 20, 2009

Columbine 10 years later

Columbine Victims

It’s hard to wrap my head around the fact that it’s been 10 years since this tragedy occurred. To understand exactly what 10 years is consider this: If the kids above would have not been brutally murdered they would be in their mid to late twenties and probably married with kids themselves. 

The teacher William Sanders might be retired now fishing and golfing his days away. But thanks to a couple lunatics we’ll never know.

May God bless their souls

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Obama & Hugo: Fist bumping fools

Commies of a feather ehh?

What is there to say except it’s absolutely fucking disgusting and borderline traitorous if you ask me.

A sitting US president should not be doing “the hey, how are you brother” handjive with a avowed Communist enemy of America. Think that photo alone tells you everything you need to know about the former Communist..I mean community organizer.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax day, tea party day and more


With everything going on today had to post something so here it is. There’s two three FOUR big things today that are happening or are of a historical nature…

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sheriff Joe's letter to Sharpton

This is freaking hilarious. Surprised the MSM isn’t shitting kittens over how Sheriff Joe just torches the reprehensible race baiter Rev. Al. They (as usual) probably haven’t been alerted to it yet. Give media matters a few days to send them the talking points and they’ll be all over it…

Entire letter below, Link to the PDF file here

Reverend Al Sharpton
106 West 145th Street
Harlem, New York City, New York 10039
Fax: 212 690 3070

Dear Reverend Sharpton:

I have read about you with much interest since learning of the protest you plan to lead against me in Maricopa County in June as a way to force my resignation or removal from office.

Your public proclamation leads me to the conclusion: not only do you not understand Arizona; you also do not understand democracy. As the elected Sheriff who, so far has been elected to five consecutive four-year terms, I answer to the four million residents of Maricopa County. I do not answer to the whims of the media, or locally and nationally elected officials who want open borders and who have their own agendas. Nor do I answer to a publicity hound outside interloper who has demonstrated no interest in looking for the truth before making loud uninformed noises.

While your public outcries are colorful, there are several instances where you have inserted yourself into other people's affairs without knowing any of the facts. Poor judgment has caused you plenty of trouble in the past and promises to do so again. Most earnest people want to learn by their mistakes. You seem to glory in repeating them.

I would like to help you avoid further embarrassment by assisting in your understanding of the illegal immigration problem here in my county. When and if you do make the trip here, I invite you to call me to talk about these false allegations.

We can discuss how my deputies are extensively trained by the federal government to properly combat illegal immigration and how the laws of this state allow this Sheriff's Office to question and investigate the immigration status of those people deputies detain in the course of our everyday law enforcement duties.

Don't make the same mistake made by the four Democratic Congressmen calling for a U.S. Department of Justice investigation of this office. They and other politicians relied solely on media reports and anti-law enforcement handouts that are replete with inaccuracies. They have brainwashed a handful of local residents to believe these lies. Rest assured that the men and women of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office do not racially profile anyone.

However, we do enforce the state and federal illegal immigration laws. And we will continue to do so as long as these laws are on the books. You can parachute into town, stomp your feet up and down and hold more press conferences against me -- that is a hallmark of democracy too -- but you will not stop me, nor slow me down for one second, from doing what is right.

Before you bring your circus to town and take to our streets by marching against this Sheriff, let's get you fully informed for a change. Congressman John Conyers did not have the courtesy to respond to my invitation to visit with me personally. I hope you will consider my invitation. Surely, a man like yourself -- a reverend -- who famously preaches from the church pulpit understands the infinite wisdom of these words: You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. Let's talk about the truth, Reverend. I await your response.



Joe Arpaio
Sheriff, Maricopa County

Confirmed: The Obama DHS hit job on conservatives is real

Well it’s official. If you support the constitution or disagree with Obama (one in the same) then your a perceived threat to the left. We can only wonder where this will lead but I think we all know….

From Michelle Malkin:

Yesterday, Roger Hedgecock and the Liberty Papers posted an unclassified DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis report titled:

Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.

The “report” (PDF file here) was one of the most embarrassingly shoddy pieces of propaganda I’d ever read out of DHS. I couldn’t believe it was real.

Read the rest here

Monday, April 13, 2009

Navy Seals free captain & kill 3 Muslim pirates

Yeah, I’ll go there because the MSM won’t. Most, perhaps all of the “pirates” are Muslims from Somalia. Seems we are fighting the religion of piece(s) everywhere we turn. Oh well, didn’t want to get off on that rant. Wanted to say….

Great job Seals! Should have happened days ago but when you got a limp noodle for a president that’s more worried about what the world thinks than taking care of business then you get stalling and indecision but at least he did something.

U.S. Navy Frees Captain, Kills 3 Somali Pirates

and now comes this….to which I say bring it on Jack Sparrow!

Pirates Vow Revenge After U.S. Navy Rescues Captain

From BlackFive: How the Rescue Happened

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Going to church for the 1st time in years this morning then after that out to brunch with the wife's parents. After that over to my parents house for awhile so somewhat busy day ahead. Weather is supposed to be beautiful so should be great.

To all happy Easter and if you don't go to church today please take a moment and think about what this day means. It's more than just cute bunnies.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dennis Miller on Obama’s bow to his Muslim masters

Dennis is so ON in this clip it’s ridiculous. Would love to see him and Ann C. get together and fire off the one liners. Maybe at the next CPAC ? :)

In case the video wont play here’s the direct link to it: Dennis Miller on the Obama Bow

Ann is brilliant this week…Let's All Surrender Our Weapons -- You First!

So many good comments in Ann’s piece it’s hard to pin down my fav but it might be this:

Liberals tolerate rallies on behalf of cop-killers, but they prohibit law-abiding citizens working at community centers in Binghamton, N.Y., from being armed to defend themselves from disturbed, crack-addicted America-haters like Jiverly Wong.

It's something in liberals' DNA: They think they can pass a law eliminating guns and nuclear weapons, but teenagers having sex is completely beyond our control.

Let's All Surrender Our Weapons -- You First!

Messiah not as loved as MSM would have you believe

See story below from the great blog No Quarter for Chairman O’s adoring followers in Turkey. (Above pic borrowed from them)

Surprised at the foaming hatred? Don’t be. The fact of the matter is that he’s not as well liked as the MSM would like you to believe. Not even in the US. Everything the Obama admin stages & everything the MSM reports is designed to make you think that he’s the 2nd coming of Jesus and he’s love the world over.  Remember, IT’S NOT TRUE! Also some people & countries just hate the US and the only way that would change is if we converted to Islam, shredded the constitution and implemented sharia law. Which I think has been penciled in to happen in Chairman O’s 2nd term :)

Astonishing Images of Turkish Protests

Dick Morris on The factor 04/08/09


Haven’t watched O’Reilly in awhile but caught most of it last night. The segment with Dick Morris and Dennis Miller were the best by far and here’s the video of Morris laying out my boy lollipop. Outstanding!

Dick Morris talks to Bill O'Reilly and examines Bawney Fwanks's Responsibility In Fannie/Freddie meltdown.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Yee-haw! Let the queering begin…

The Republican governor of Vermont yesterday vetoed a bill legalizing same-sex marriage, only to have the state's Legislature override the veto today.

The bill passed easily through the Vermont Senate last month, 26-4, but the House approved it 95-52, just five votes short of the two-thirds majority needed in the 150-member body to override a gubernatorial veto.

The Associated Press reports the vote today to override the veto was 23-5 in the state Senate and 100-49 in the House.

Vermont legalizes same-sex marriage

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Gay marriage now a-ok in Iowa

I’ll bet they are shocked and appalled that this is now sanctioned and approved by their state Government


Midwest shocked to become new gay marriage capital

I’m no fan of public displays of affection from any gender but that’s rather disgusting isn’t it?

Personally I have no problem with gay and lesbians doing whatever they want behind closed doors but am past tired of it being literally crammed down our throats even though the vast majority of Americans are against gay marriage. For thousands of years marriage has been defined as 1 man and 1 woman. There’s no reason to change that now to placate a tiny but vocal minority of the population.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tea party map – April 15, 2009


View 2009 Tea Parties in a larger map

Freedom Works has put together a very useful map to keep track of all the tea parties. HT to Michelle Malkin for the link.