Sunday, November 30, 2008

Stress getting to Obama already?

Looks like the newly minted messiah is coming apart under the pressure and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

Think he can handle 8 years of unrelenting vicious attacks from the opposing political party and MSM like Bush has or deal with the never ending threat of Islamic terrorism? Oh, that's right, he doesn't really have to. Republican politicians are afraid to say boo and the MSM is actually the Obama propaganda machine.

Terrorism is another matter. Don't know how the adherents to the religion of peace will carry on until he's sworn in. The next year should be fun to say the least.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

Well another year has passed and it's Thanksgiving time again. Refelecting back on the past year and what I'm thankful for is easy.

  • I'm thankful for my wife and step-daughter. Don't know what I'd do without them.
  • Thankful that both my parents are still alive & in pretty good health.
  • Thankful that at least for now I have a job.
  • I'm thankful that I'm in good health.
  • Thankful that America hasn't had another terrorist attack since 9/11.

I could go on but anyway....We are having Thanksgiving at my house this year and my in-laws and dad are coming over. My mom is visiting our family in the country this year and we'll miss her but that's what she want's to do so that's fine. In closing I'd like to leave with this: The Real Story of Thanksgiving from Rush.

He recites this every year on his radio show with slight variations. here's a link to the transcript from 2006

Listen to it on Youtube

Below is the text from 2008, enjoy

Oh, yes......Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Ladies and gentlemen, every Thanksgiving, there's a tradition on this program, every Thanksgiving I go and grab my book, the first book that I wrote, See, I Told You So, hardback, two and a half million sold, counting the paperback, probably close to five million. On page 70, there's a chapter on The Real Story of Thanksgiving. Now, how many of you grew up and how many of your children are growing up today being taught this: The Pilgrims arrived, and it was cold, and it was inhospitable in the New World.  And they were ill-equipped to fend for themselves, and they were bedraggled and they were tired and they were hungry and they were thirsty and they were incapable of getting along, and finally the Indians, who they would later massacre, the Indians
befriended the Pilgrims and showed them about corn and maize and created a big feast of turkey and dressing and cranberry sauce and maybe even some cheese broccoli.  They all sat down and they had Thanksgiving together, and it was the Pilgrims thanking the Indians for saving their wretched lives. And then of course after all of this mercy showed by the Indians, these Pilgrims and their descendants went out and wiped'em out and put'em on revolutionaries where they became alcoholics and now they run casinos. 

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the traditional story of Thanksgiving, is it not? In fact, the Pilgrims and their descendants not only brought all of the plagues, they brought syphilis, they brought environmental destruction,
racism, sexism, bigotry, even brought homophobia. Stole Manhattan for 24 bucks, they cheated the Indians, they cheated the Indians who had saved their lives by buying Manhattan for 24 bucks and some trinkets. It was the first ever subprime loan, ladies and gentlemen, the first ever subprime mortgage, 24 bucks. The Indians got screwed royally. This is what your kid is likely taught these days in the multicultural curricula in school. Do you know the real story of Thanksgiving? The Pilgrims arrived and they had to immediately find a way to make a living. They had to find a way to support themselves, and this is, by the way, all contained in William Bradford, he was the first governor, if you will, of the colony. William Bradford in his own writings, which I quote in my book See, I Told You So, William Bradford describes their first experiment. 

They gave everybody a plot of land. Everybody produced what they produced and it went into a single store, it went into a communal store where everybody was then able to partake what they needed and what they wanted from what everybody else had produced.  Bradford found that this led to a bunch of slackers, a bunch of slackers not producing anything. They just sat around and waited for what the others in the colony produced. It didn't work!  The first ever experiment with socialism on this country was undertaken by the Pilgrims in the 1600s.  Bradford said this isn't gonna work and got a different idea. He gave everybody their own plot of hand, he assigned them their own plot of land and said whatever you produce here is yours. You keep it. And he writes of the miracle that happened after that. The industriousness and the ambition that was utilized by the
Pilgrims, that is when they became prosperous, that is when they had bounty, that is when they had more than they knew what to do with. 

So they invited the Indians over, and the whole notion of Thanksgiving was William Bradford and the original Pilgrims thanking God for their blessings. It was not thanking the Indians for saving their lives and showing them how to make broccoli with cheese for Thanksgiving. They might have been grateful for the popcorn, I'm sure they didn't have that over there in England, but nevertheless, that's the story. The first ever experiment with socialism failed, and liberals have been trying to reinstitute it ever since. Read it. It's on page 70, See, I
Told You So, authored by me, the one and only El Rushbo.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

PETA as usual attacking Thanksgiving

Well like clockwork the buzzkills at PETA are at it again.

Trying to convince everyone not to eat turkey for thanksgiving. Why? You know what, I don't really give a flying shit what their reason is. They are idiots and everything they say or do is retarded so by default it's not worth even trying to figure out. Life is short and I'm too busy living it to try and tell everyone else how to do it.

Anyway here's Alan Caruba saying far better than I can.

The Peta Thanksgiving Kill-Joys

Mexican gangs now infiltrating Kentucky

Guess my home state of Kentucky's crime rate isn't bad enough on it's own so now we have to import illegals to jack it up.

Mexican gangs now infiltrating Kentucky; Shelbyville fears violence in the future

I have quite a few kinfolk in that live in the country and I know if gangs of thug illegals showed up in their town they would take care of the problem well before the useless Government agencies would even be aware of it.

Hopefully the people in Shelbyville will do the same.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Uncle Ted nails the bullseye yet again, Obama voters just aren't very bright

Usually when Mr. Nugent says something there is little left to be added or discussed and that is the case again with this brilliant diatribe on how stupid or ill-informed most of Obama's voters really are.

These dunderheads have no clue how the economic mess was largely caused by Democrats, including Obama. But Obama, recognizing how gullible, naive and dumb many of his supporters are, drummed it into them that the economic mess was caused by President Bush and the Republicans and that he is going to give 95% of Americans a tax cut when 40% of Americans don't even pay any federal taxes. Investing deception capital in the stupidity of his supporters was a very wise move on Obama's part. That is if you don't really care about anything except getting elected.

McCain had no marketable answer to Obama's charge because McCain knew that attempting to explain the economy to dumb people is impossible in 30 second commercials.

Fantasy driven clowns like the idea of believing they are getting something for nothing. What they receive, however, is always scraps from the economic table. They are too dumb to recognize this and thus condemn themselves to a pathetic life clinging to the lowest rungs of the economic ladder. Their stupidity sentences them to a life of poverty and despair.

Entire Ted rant here

P.J. O'Rourke on the oxymoronic Government Charity

Good article from PJ O'Rourke. My take on it is there is no such thing as Government charity because Government doesn't create anything. Any resources they spend on charity has to come from us the taxpayers. So if charity does not come from us voluntarily giving then it's simply wealth or capital redistribution. Hence not charity at all.

Charity is one of the great responsibilities of freedom. But, in order for us to be responsible - and therefore free - that responsibility must be personal.

There is no virtue in compulsory government charity, and there is no virtue in advocating it. A politician who portrays himself as "caring" and "sensitive" because he wants to expand the government's charitable programs is merely saying that he's willing to try to do good with other people's money. Well, who isn't? And a voter who takes pride in supporting such programs is telling us that he'll do good with his own money - if a gun is held to his head.

When government quits being something we use only in an emergency and becomes the principal source of aid and assistance in our society, then the size, expense and power of government are greatly increased. The decision that politicians are wiser, kinder and more honest than we are and that they, not we, should control the dispensation of eleemosynary goods and services is, in itself, a diminishment of the individual and proof that we're jerks.

Government charity causes other problems. If responsibility is removed from friends, family and self, social ties are weakened. We don't have to look after our parents; they've got their Social Security check and are down in Atlantic City with it right no w. Parents don't have to look after their kids; Head Start, a high school guidance counselor and AmeriCorps take care of that. Our kids don't have to look after themselves; if they become addicted to drugs, there's methadone, and if they get knocked up, t here's always AFDC. The neighbors, meanwhile, aren't going to get involved; if they step outside, they'll be cut down by the 9mm crossfire from the drug wars between the gangs all the other neighbors belong to.

Making charity part of the political system confuses the mission of government. Charity is, by its nature, approximate and imprecise. Are you guiding the old lady across the street or are you just jerking her around? It's hard to know when enough charity has been given. Parents want to give children every material advantage but don't want a pack of spoiled brats. There are no exact rules of charity. But a government in a free society must obey exact rules or that government's power is arbitrary and freedom is lost. This is why government works best when it is given limited and well-defined tasks to perform.

Article from the always excellent PJ O'Rourke
H/T from the great blogsite CARPE DIEM

Saturday, November 22, 2008

45 Years ago today 11/23/1963....JFK Assassination

45 years ago today John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas. No need to further elaborate on the rest as most everyone in the free world knows the story.

Anyway me being a history nut thought I just had to post something. JFK's presidency always intrigued me as a what could have moment in time. If he had lived would Vietnam as we know it every have happened? and if Vietnam didn't happen would the hippie counterculture movement have occurred? How about the civil rights & race riots across the country? MLK...RFK assassinations?

I mean the questions are endless aren't they? Totally pointless because the past is what it is and can't be changed but just for a moment imagine what if?

Here are some links worth checking out:

History Channel

45 years later, eyewitnesses to JFK assassination part of a dwindling, but significant, club

45 years after Kennedy assassination, detective handcuffed to Oswald still telling famous tale

Dallas Remembers Kennedy Assassination 45 Years Later

JFK Conspiracy Theories

Friday, November 21, 2008

Sarah Palin's turkey slaughter interview & it's great!

Nothing to add to this that Flopping Aces hasn't already said, brilliantly and I agree with every word.

Watch, laugh & just be awed!

"I would insert the video here but since it's from MSNBC and not youtube I can' figure out how to do it!"

Thursday, November 20, 2008

eHarmony BOGU'ed (Bends over, greases up)

Let me get this straight. a gay man, Eric McKinley has coerced, browbeaten or just flat out scared eHarmony into giving him 5G and creating a brand new website for gay hookups only? Even though eHarmony was founded by Dr. Neil Clark Warren a evangelical Christian who mostly likely doesn't agree with gays or their lifestyle and made a deliberate choice to exclude gays from eHarmony when he founded it in 2000.

Oh well, to hell with that. Doesn't matter how you want to run YOUR business. The Gov. and radical activists control how business's are ran nowadays. Think you can choose who you sell or market your products or services to? ha!

Welcome to Amerika where all you have to do is declare yourself a victimized member of some minority group and everyone is supposed to bend over & grease up for you to have your way with them. If they don't then the victimized minority sues and why not? The way many of the discrimination laws are written the victimized minority doesn't have to pay a cent, if they win they are reimbursed by the taxpayers. Great system ain't it? No risk, potentially HUGE reward. Even if they don't win a actual jury decision as in this case they still get paid. Betcha the 5G is for attorneys fees. Any takers on that bet? No? ok moving on.....

At least the court didn't impose that decision. Now the question becomes why did eHarmony settle the case? Easy, money and publicity. They probably correctly deduced that it would be cheaper to pay out 55G and create a website than continue to pay a army of lawyers to fight it. Also the gay community has the entire MSM on their side and the negative publicity probably would have seriously hurt eHarmony so they caved. You know, everyone has a point were it's easier to just give in that fight so it's hard to really blame them.

Following the logic of that lawsuit I suppose next up is someone suing Burger King because they don't sell Big Mac's or suing White Castle because they don't serve Whopper's. In my mind it's the same damn thing.

I'm starting to come to the conclusion that the whole 'gay rights' movement isn't about equal rights for gays at all. It's about taking the rights away from people who are Christian, heterosexual or don't agree with them. When I was younger I never gave a rats ass about a persons sexual preference nor even thought about it. With all the vicious intolerant behavior I'm seeing from the prop 8 protesters lately & gays in general screaming for us to be more tolerant, I say screw'em. The my way or else mentality they are fomenting is going to create a backlash that will put their high heel wearing Carmen Miranda loving asses right back into the closet.

Oh hell, look at the time! I'd better get moving. Off to a Jewish synagogue so I can get irrationally upset when they don't have a Catholic service for just me.

Links: Good observation from Gateway pundit, the always spectacular Moonbattery and Outstanding quote from Michelle Malkin
"Perhaps heterosexual men and women should start filing lawsuits
against gay dating websites and undermine their business. Coerced
tolerance and diversity-by-fiat cut both ways."

Monday, November 17, 2008

WTC - Seven years later & still a big damn hole

Is it just me or does anyone else remember when Americans used to get things done? Like quickly building top quality goods & structures that stood the test of time? Thanks to our ever present (in the way) Government along with all the rules, regulations and red tape they put in our way just filling out all the paper work and getting 100 lawyers involved takes 10 years!

Nowdays the perfect example of the state of present day America is the big empty hole in New York. Sure they put up a fence and cleared up the rubble & appears they have built some infrastructure for the Freedom tower but it's been over 7 years! By now we should have the largest building ever constructed by man standing there. You know, like a great big middle finger to the terrorists saying take that you bastards! You might kill some of us & knock a few buildings down but you can't stop the American spirit from rising out of the ashes.

Just to put things in wee bit of perspective:
  • It took 7 years to build the original world trade centers. 2 buildings, total of 220 floors.
  • It took 4 years to build the Hoover dam in the middle of the great depression.
  • It took 4 years to build the Sears tower in Chicago.
  • 410 days to build the 102 story Empire state building also during the great depression.
That is what America used to be capable of doing but not so much anymore. Sad isn't it?

What got me started on this mini rant is this piece from Stop the ACLU. It's well worth the read.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Watched a show on the history channel the other day about the dustbowl in America's heartland called Black Blizzard and holy shit that was vicious!

I actually did a book report on that dark period in American history back in the 6th or 7th grade (don't remember which) but guess at the time I was too young to really get what those people went through.

The show was really well done and talked to several survivors of it and their stories are amazing. It's hard to believe that people lived through that for 10 years. Going to work and school everyday in dust blowing sometimes up to 80mph! Being indoors was not much better because most structures were wood framed and not very well insulated. So no matter where you went you where exposed to it and many people especially little kids died of what was called black pneumonia.

Also it killed most all the livestock and crops. Then the lack of vegetation caused the temp to increase in the summer upwards of 120 degree's and that in turned caused all the water to dry up! Just a vicious cycle that's amazing anyone lived through.

Anyway if your a history buff like moi it's definitely worth reading up on.

History Channel show here 

Further reading & research here & here

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Nobody says it quite like Uncle Ted

Amen brother! Pass the ammo, load the guns and let's go hunting !

The Nuge nails it (as usual) in this scathing piece about RINO's and the need to get them out of the Republican party.
Great advice and IMO should start with Arnie in the peoples republiK of Kalifornia. Really sad when the return of Gray Davis sounds better than keeping Arnie around. I mean seriously do you think he could/would have done worse?

Anyway, here's a quote from Uncle Ted in the article:
RINOs are Fedzilla punks who feign support for conservative principles
only when it serves their political interest. RINOs are also known for
their moderate positions such as supporting tax increases, federal
“bailouts”, “comprehensive immigration reform”, advocating more
counterproductive gun control that guarantee more innocent victims,
opposing the death penalty, and growing and sustaining Fedzilla and all
its toxic mongrels by going along with the liberals. RINOs have
forgotten President Ronald Maximus Regan's admonition that government
is the problem, not the solution.

Entire piece here

Also not to be missed is Ted's Davy Crockett Rant

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Randy Rhoads tribute by MAB

Take Randy Rhoads one of my top 3 favorite guitarists of all time and shredder extraordinaire Michael Angelo Batio and you get this very nice tribute to Randy!

In his short life Randy wrote some of the coolest riffs ever concocted for guitar. For his Mr. Crowley solo alone he should be sainted. MAB is just unreal. A freak of nature if you will. If I could play 1/10 as good as either of these guys I'd die a happy boy.

Anyway here is MAB's tribute to Randy

Just for the hell of it here is MAB showing off, just cause he's good like that.

Happy Veterans Day

Happy Veterans day or Armistice day as it used to be called!

Just wanted to say a thank you to all the folks who have served this great nation and kept this republic a free country.

The 233rd anniversary of the Marines was yesterday so quick congratulations to those guys. Simper Fi! oooo-rah!

The closest I ever came to joining the military was signing up for selective service when I turned 18 in 1986. The military was just never my thing. Sure, I thought about it but was too busy getting drunk, high and chasing girls to actually commit myself to a higher calling like that. Now I'm too old and decrepit to make it through basic training!

Looking back with 20 years hindsight my generation got really lucky. We grew up between wars, no draft and for the most part a economy that was doing far better than now. Other than the Jimmah Carter years the rest were pretty good times.

During a lot of my teen years I knew several guys who were in the military, active and retired. The retired never talked about it. Well I take that back, one older fella name Danny used to regal me with tails of hookers he picked up in Korea and the various STD's that were prevalent. Hell I was 16 and it sounded like good times to me!  I knew another guy named Riggs who was active Air Force. He was gone most of the time to EAB but came into town on leave about every 3 months and we'd hang out, guzzle some beers and shoot the shit. About all he did was dress nice everyday, take orders, give a few and shuffle papers. Remember this was during peacetime so that's what a lot of service guys were doing back then. 911, Iraq & Afganistan hadn't happened yet.

My family has a few service members I'd like to mention. My uncle Tan was a Army helicopter mechanic in Vietnam. My uncle Huck was a Marine fighter pilot in Vietnam and was one of the only members of his squadron to not be shot down. Very lucky man indeed. My cousin Timmy followed his dad Huck into the Marines and did about 8 years. Also he worked down at cape Canaveral on shuttle launches for a bit. He invited me down to watch several launches but I never made it. I still regret that. My father in law was in Vietnam but like most prefers not to talk about it.

Then there's my dad. He was drafted into the Army right out of high school in 1951 and sent to Korea. He's one of those guys who doesn't talk about it. The only things he's told me is that he worked in supply & it was a lot like the TV show MASH. I have feeling he did a lot more than that but just doesn't want to relive it and I understand. Don't think I would want to either.

Like Forrest Gump would say, that's all I have to say about that. In conclusion I impart a hearty thank you & god bless to them all.

Further reading here

Update: Ran across this: 10 Celebrities Who Served Our Country

The striking thing about this piece is how the celebs of yesteryear stood up and fought for their country and quasi-celebutards of today piss, moan and flash peace signs. Oh in between bout's of calling Bush Hitler and geuflecting to their new messiah that is. Sorry to interject politics into a Veterans day salute but sometimes I can't help myself.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Jamie Gorelick....that's change?

Holy god (and I mean Jesus Christ not our newly minted messiah)

The daily diarrhea that pours from the B. Hussein camp is making my brain hurt but now we get what might top them all so far.......

For more dopey change we are getting a old Clinton rehash Jamie Gorelick as attorney general   What the hell???

She's going to be the top law enforcement officer in the US after her stellar history of Gov. work. hah!

At best that chick should be managing a used car lot into bankruptcy and IMO she should be doing jail time for the never ending string or mismanagement and screw-ups she is responsible for over the past decade and 1/2.

Read this and weep Mistress of Disaster: Jamie Gorelick

No need to be surprised, that's a liberal for you. As Rush says the more they muck up or flat out break the law is like a resume enhancer.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

11/09/08 - Sunday update on the Cult of Obama

Well another day and more amazing tales of about our new savior.

He's not my messiah until he walks on water or heals my bursitis then I'm in! :-)

Anyway here's the latest:

Apparently Obama's idea of bipartisanship is undoing everything Bush has done. That's the change we all wanted right? Well if your one of the 47% that didn't vote for our glorious leader like me then no probably not.

Soon they'll be clearing space on mount rushmore for our moonbat messiah but for now they just want a national holiday

And here is Atlas Shrugs take on it

(Since most liberals hate religion anyway just make December 25th our national day of worship for B. Hussein Obama)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Current economic disaster is not Bush's fault

You can say many things about Bush (trust me, I do) Amnesty, prescription drug benefits, no child left behind, etc..etc

But 2 things you can't say is he didn't protect this country after 9-11 and this financial meltdown is his fault.

Read this post from a reader at Flopping Aces. Just out freaking standing!

Fairness Doctrine or if you can beat'em silence them

Just as sure as a liberal's are tolerant of differing opinions the Fairness Doctrine will rear it's ugly head again or the hush Rush law as Rush himself used to call it a few years back. To throw out a quote from one of my favorite movies "It's a mathematical certainty"

With the Government soon to be totally controlled by moonbat socialists the logical next step is to silence all critics and the Fairness Doctrine is the 1st step. Soon as this assbag is appointed I'm sure it will happen.

Here is a great piece from Newbusters about it & SayAnything

More to come, you can bet what's left of your 401K on it.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Obamessiah's idea of bipartisanship

So much for unity and bipartisanship ehh?

I see the Obamessiah wasted no time in appointing the most partisan jackass he could find to be his chief of staff. The stories of this guy being just a complete festering bowel of a human being are legendary and here are few to peruse.

Remember the lib's idea of bipartisanship is everyone agreeing with them and if you don't you must be destroyed.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Welcome comrades to 1984

November 5 1984

ok...ok, it's not really 1984 but this morning it sure feels like it to me. I think Orwell's chilling vision has arrived just 24 years later than he wrote about. With the election of the MSM appointed messiah today starts the beginning of the end for the America we knew and grew up in. Never thought I'd live to see a openly outgoing socialist/marxist become president.

Oh well, that's all. I could ramble on for pages but have work to do. Will update this post later once I collect my thoughts.

Update: Couple links of much better coherent thoughts on what happened, why and where we are headed.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween pics finally posted at Picasa

I finally made the time to rip the pics from the camera, upload them and caption them.
They are located here

Must confess I'm not real happy with these. Specifically the exterior shots of my house. To my eyes they seem washed out and lacking detail of some of our props. Also could kick my own ass for not taking photos of MJ in her costume. She looked so cute and I totally missed grabbing a pic of her. Not to mention all our guests and trick or treaters. Was too busy I suppose handing out candy and tending to the needs of everyone. Perhaps next year I'll have a official photographer onsite & make sure I hold the fog machine button down for some better fog effects :-)

Election day update

--Been busy as work & home, not much time to post anything but had to take time for obligtory election day post--

Finally! Thank you dear god we are finally here....Election day. When in a scant 12-24hrs we will either elect a new president who will take us down the road to socialism at a turtles pace or face the coronation a Marxist messiah who will take the entire country straight into a socialist hell replete with Obama youth & truth squads that will smash any & all dissenting opinion. (think Chavez, Castro & Stalin) Do you like Rush, Hannity, Beck, Boortz on the radio? Kiss them goodbye because already up to pass in the his 1st hundred days is the fairness doctrine which will sail through if the Dem's get a veto proof majority in the house and senate.

That's really all there is to it. Both parties are a lost cause. The modern day Republicans are the Democrat party of the early 60's and the modern day Democrat party is full of socialists that want to control every aspect of your life and redistribute your money to whoever they deem worthy of it. Equality to lib's is everyone equally miserable so if you aren't miserable yet just wait because you will be under our modern day messiah. McCain, while not without problems is a lot better choice & will at least allow us to keep more of our freedoms & money we earn and will only present a creeping socialism that will take years to manifest itself fully.

Yeah, it's sad but that's what we Americans are down to at this point, voting for a lesser of 2 evils. I have not cast my vote yet but am leaving work early to make sure I have plenty of time to do it and you can guess who I'm voting for and it's not the messiah. Watching Obama & his worshiping supporters in the MSM & populace I often stop and think if this is how Hitler or Jim Jones started. With glassy eyed brain washed followers who don't really know why or what they are supporting. Oh well,  hope this prediction comes true