Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

Been so busy with life in general it's my 1st post in awhile but I couldn't let Memorial day pass without saying something.

I chose the photos and links of the Korean War because my dad is veteran of Korea and right now he's in the ICU at the VA hospital with a very bad case of pneumonia. He's holding his own but the outcome is still uncertain.

Been spending a lot of time at the hospital and doing a lot of praying. Unfortunately don't think either of those will change anytime soon.

This weekend between the picnic's and barbeques please take the time to thank a veteran and say a prayer for all of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in keeping the US safe. I sure know I will.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

O’Reilly talking points on the politics of ridicule

Haven't watched Bill O'Reilly much in the past year, maybe longer. Used to watch him without fail every night but got bored and frankly it seemed he was getting far too middle of the road for my tastes. I tune in now and again when I can remember (and wife will give me the TV long enough)

Maybe Bill is feeling Beck's heat & decided to kick it up a notch but whatever the reason he had a great talking points on last night. Keeps this up I might just have to start watching him again. 

O'Reilly On The Politics Of Ridicule & Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day

I'm spending the day with my mom and mother in law and if they are still alive you should do the same. They won’t be here forever and you’ll wish you had when they are gone!

All you moms out there have a blessed day.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Top Ten Reasons Blacks Should Stop Voting Democrat

Those are some damn good reasons……

by Lloyd Marcus

10  The same problems Democrats have been promising to fix for 40 years are worse.
9  In 1950, 24% of Black kids grew up without dads. In 2009, 63%. Seven out of 10 are born out of wedlock. A result of Democrat encouraged generational government dependency.
8 The Black male high school dropout rate is 40%. Of those, 72% are jobless and 60% will probably be incarcerated. Another consequence of government replacing fathers in the home.
7  Amid the chaos after Hurricane Katrina, Democrat congressman William Jefferson used the National Guard to get home to retrieve $90,000 suspected bribe money from his freezer while New Orleans residents were trying to get rescued from rooftops.
6 Despite documented proof to the contrary, Democrats tell blacks the shameful lie that America is racist and their only hope is to keep electing Democrats to level the playing field.
5 Despite high test scores by inner city black kids in the D.C. school voucher program, Democrats plan to shut it down to appease their voters in the teachers union.
4 Democrats continually seek to lower standards. Thus, proving their bigotry of low expectations from blacks.
3  Most blacks believe marriage should be between a man and a woman. The Democrat party aggressively supports gay marriage and proposes stronger "hate crime" laws that include protection for pedophiles.
2 The Democrat party strongly supports abortion on demand, including the murderous partial birth. A disproportionate amount of aborted babies are black. 50% of black babies are aborted. Some call this Black Genocide.
1 And, the number one reason blacks should stop voting Democrat...INSANITY is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ann Coulter absolutely torches Joy Behar



Joy Behar: I want to know if you want to be water-boarded because Sean Hannity has volunteered to be water-boarded, but don’t see him sticking his head under the faucet yet.

Ann Coulter: No I don’t want to be water-boarded; do you want to be aborted? Because I think you support abortion. In fact, can we abort the terrorists instead of water-boarding them?

Quote of the Week: Ann Coulter Leaves Joy Behar Speechless

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Savage banned from England, could sue

So this is the level of dhimmitude that the once mighty Great Britain has sunk to...tell the truth about radical Muslims and you get barred from entering the country. Sad to see what's becoming of a once great empire. Going by the state of the UK I think it’s a badge of honor to banned.

Conservative talk show host Michael Savage's commentary has offended groups from parents of autistic kids to Muslim leaders. But the San Francisco-based syndicated talker, who made a "name and shame" list of people banned from entering Britain, may have been shocked himself to find some of his opponents, including civil libertarians, defending him.

On Tuesday, British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith published the names of 16 of 22 people banned from the country since October for allegedly fostering extremism or hatred. Along with Savage, who has called the Quran, the Muslim holy book, "a book of hate," Muslim extremists, jailed Russian gang members and a militant Israeli settler were banned. Smith cited "public interest" reasons for not disclosing six of the names.

Chrysler won’t payback bailout money

Not surprised at all about this. I contend it was never planned for them to pay it back. Auto bailout was never about saving the car companies but about saving the UAW.

The entire multi-act play of not allowing them to go bankrupt in the 1st place, bailing them out then insisting they go bankrupt was a brilliantly orchestrated plan to turn majority control over to the UAW and it worked to perfection. Next stop…GM

NEW YORK ( -- Chrysler LLC will not repay U.S. taxpayers more than $7 billion in bailout money it received earlier this year and as part of its bankruptcy filing.

This revelation was buried within Chrysler's bankruptcy filings last week and confirmed by the Obama administration Tuesday. The filings included a list of business assumptions from one of the company's key financial advisors in the bankruptcy case.

Some of the main assumptions listed by Robert Manzo of Capstone Advisory Group were that the Treasury would forgive a $4 billion bridge loan given to Chrysler in the closing days of the Bush administration, a $300 million fee on that loan, and the $3.2 billion in financing approved last week by the Obama administration to fund Chrysler's operations during bankruptcy.

CNN Money: Chrysler won't repay bailout money