Thursday, January 29, 2009

History behind the global warming hoax

This is a absolute must read and email the link to everyone you know.

John Coleman (pictured above) founder of the weather channel has written a brilliant piece on the history of global warming and how it was a hoax from the get go. Just freaking amazing that so many people buy into this crap and most of them unfortunately are in positions of power that can and will do real harm to our freedoms and way of life.

Since I 1st heard of global warming I thought it was a scam. Invented just to take more money from our wallets and more of our freedoms away and with King Obama now in office it's becoming a very real certainty. The only people that will prosper from this is AlGore. Rest of us will be poorer, less safe and deal with reduced power generation.

So today we have the acceptance of carbon dioxide as the culprit of global warming. It is concluded that when we burn fossil fuels we are leaving a dastardly carbon footprint which we must pay Al Gore or the environmentalists to offset. Our governments on all levels are considering taxing the use of fossil fuels. The Federal Environmental Protection Agency is on the verge of naming CO2 as a pollutant and strictly regulating its use to protect our climate. The new President and the US congress are on board. Many state governments are moving on the same course.

We are already suffering from this CO2 silliness in many ways. Our energy policy has been strictly hobbled by no drilling and no new refineries for decades. We pay for the shortage this has created every time we buy gas. On top of that the whole thing about corn based ethanol costs us millions of tax dollars in subsidies. That also has driven up food prices. And, all of this is a long way from over.

And, I am totally convinced there is no scientific basis for any of it.

Global Warming. It is the hoax. It is bad science. It is a high jacking of public policy. It is no joke. It is the greatest scam in history.

The Amazing Story Behind the Global Warming Scam

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lousiville Ice & Snow storm 2009

Ice storm 2009

Just wanted to post some photos and videos of the snow and ice storm that's been hammering us for 2 days. Storm finally finished up today with about 4 inches of snow on top of roughly 1 inch of ice on top of more snow! Queue loud Sam kinison scream!

Kentucky seems to have been the hardest hit. Right now about 607,000 are out of power in the state and that number keeps climbing. We are really lucky or blessed if you will. Our power has flickered but never gone out while most of our neighbors are out. Small miracle if you ask me. We tried to go into Audubon park to get pic's but police had it blocked off at every entrance so it must have been a waste land.

Click on the pic above for my picassa album, video is below. Will add more as I make my way around town.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Quick facts on the bridge to socialism plan of 2009

Spendapalosa '09 keeps on rolling. It's hard to imagine a dumber group of people that the the idiots we have running our country. No one but ourselves to blame though.


"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have." - Thomas Jefferson


 Total Cost of Stimulus Legislation: $825 billion

  •   How does this compare?

                  - In 1993, the unemployment was virtually the same as the rate today (around 7%). Yet, President Clinton’s proposed stimulus legislation *only* contained $16 billion in spending


                  - The total cost of this one piece of legislation is almost as much as the annual discretionary budget for the entire federal government.


                  - This
legislation nears a trillion dollars. President Reagan said the best
way to understand a trillion dollars
is to imagine a crisp, new stack of $1000 bills. If you had a stack four inches high, you’d be a millionaire. A trillion-dollar stack of $1000 bills would measure just over 63 miles high.


In $20 bills, a trillion dollar stack would be 3150 miles high. That’s
about the distance between DC and Trujillo,

  • President-elect
    Obama has said that his proposed stimulus legislation will create or
    save 3 million jobs. This means that this legislation will spend about
    $275,000 per job. The average household income in the U.S. is $42,000 a

  • This bill provides enough spending to give every man, woman, and child in America $2,700.

  • This bill will cost each and every household $6,700 in additional debt, paid for by our children and grandchildren.

  • Although this
    legislation has been billed and described as a transportation and
    infrastructure investment package, but only three percent ($30 billion)
    of this package is for road and highway spending.

  • Much of
    the funding within the proposed stimulus package will go to programs
    which already have large, unexpended balances. For example, the draft
    bill provides $1 billion for Community Development Block Grants (CDBG),
    which already has $16 billion on hand. And, this year, Congress has
    plans to rescind $9 billion in highway funding that the states have not
    yet used. 

  • Deficit spending
    will not expand the economy. If that were true, then the current $1.2
    trillion deficit -- the largest in history -- would already be rescuing
    the economy. $800 billion more will not change that.

  • Trade groups
    state that every $1 billion in highway “stimulus” can be spent creating
    34,779 new construction jobs. But Congress must first borrow that $1
    billion out of the private sector. The private sector then loses or
    forgoes roughly the same number of jobs.

  • Japan
    responded to a 1990 recession by passing 10 “stimulus” bills over 8
    years (building the largest national debt in the industrialized world).
    Their economy remained stagnant and their per capita income went from
    the second highest in the world to the tenth highest.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Messiah takes on the real King of media

Barry O tells Republicans that they have to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.

I thought the modern day messiah would have a thicker skin than to let a radio host get to him but apparently not. Someone needs to tell Obama the fact is Republicans stopped listening to Rush years ago. That's why they keep getting their collective asses handed to them in each election cycle so in that aspect he has nothing to worry about.

For a US president to go after a private citizen is petty and politically ignorant and going after Rush specifically is just STUPID. I've seen on other blogs this could be a precursor to bringing back the fairness doctrine but I doubt it. The more Obama goes after Rush the more attention and ratings it will bring him and that will make if difficult if not impossible to hush Rush so to speak. Believe it or not most Americans (even Liberals) are still on the side of free speech.

Can't wait until Monday at noon as Rush will have a freaking field day with this. His ratings should skyrocket as people tune in to hear what he has to say in rebuttal to Obama's comments and being the capitalist that he is I'll wager he's already hard at work thinking up new t-shirt designs to start selling on his website with Obama's comments emblazoned on them.

President Obama zings Rush

Great piece here from the Radio Equalizer

Update: about 1 hour after I posted this Rush responded and it's good!

Limbaugh Responds to Obama

Friday, January 23, 2009

US Gov, Dodd & Frank just as guilty as Madoff


Uncle Ted nails it and makes some very good points comparing the Gov or fedzilla as he calls it to Bernie Madoff.

To expand a bit I’ve always thought that Barney Frank & Chris Dodd should be perp walked to jail for their involvement in the Freddie, Fanny debacle that has crippled our and now the worlds economy. They knew it was coming and did NOTHING but lie saying Freddie & Fanny were just fine.

The shady, negligent and, in my opinion, criminal behavior by the crooks who ran Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are as guilty as Madoff. The elected bandits such as Sen. Dodd and Rep. Frank who turned a blind eye to Fannie and Freddie in order to line their own pockets have also gotten away with the crime of the century. If their behavior wasn't malicious, reprehensible and criminal enough, these same elected bandits are now bilking taxpayers by making us pay to clean up their horrendous ethical and soulless behavior. If these thugs had any personal or professional ethics, they would have resigned.

Just As Guilty by  Ted Nugent

Thursday, January 22, 2009

America’s enemies will love us now(while they still try to kill us)


Elections have consequences as Rush liked to say after the Obamessiah was elected and boy ain’t it the truth. Not even 24 hours into his presidency he goes about dismantling part of the security put in place by Bush after 9/11.

Have we not learned anything here? Is the messiah that stupid or so beholden to his base of moonbat anti-American loons? There’s a reason we have not been attacked in almost 8 years and it’s the laws, procedures and polices that the eeeevil Bush put in place that are responsible for it.

Eviscerating the CIA, closing Gitmo and any other ‘black sites’ the CIA operates will only hurt us. Sure, the rest of the world might freaking adore us but who cares if we get attacked again and next time it will be worse, far worse. Think nuclear.

The clock is ticking, the more he rolls back what Bush has done the higher the chances are we get nailed again. It’s a certainty.

Fox: Obama to Close Guantanamo, Foreign Prisons, Limit CIA

Fox: 9/11 Families Outraged by Obama Call to Suspend Guantanamo War Crimes Trials

StopACLU: Obambi-Closing Gitmo And CIA Black Sites

Jawa: CHANGE! Obama Sends Terrifying Messages to Enemies

Monday, January 19, 2009

Inauguration Burnout

The "one" hasn't even ascended to the throne yet and I am so done. Burnt out, no way in hell going to watch it.

Sick and tired of the 24 hour a day public masturbation of the drive by media touting our glorious new savior. Going by the media's unending worship of the moonbat messiah it's apparently a-ok to believe in God and pray in public again. Oh, as long as the God you are praying to is our glorious new leader. Retch, barf puke.

Apparently I'm not the only one feeling this way as evidenced by this post I found over at doubleplusundead.

Fuck the Inauguration

It's short and straight to the point. Like all good posts should be.

Better late than never: Ramos and Compean pardoned

About 2 years late but at least Bush had the stones to let them go.

These guys should have never gone to jail in 1st place for simply doing their jobs. They shot a illegal alien drug smuggler who ran from them. From my viewpoint they should have been given a steak dinner and key to the city for a job well done.

All you other border guards this should send a easy to understand message. In the future if you do shoot anyone in the line of duty bury their ass in the desert and tell no one because if you do you'll probably go to jail too.

Bush Commutes Sentences for Two Former Border Patrol Agents

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Stomach turning, headache inducing....Democrat's spending bill

Just look at the article from Wizbang at how our useless leaders are planning on pissing our money down the drain.

A few very important facts about the Democrats' massive spending bill

Disgraceful hardly describes it. Criminally liable and negligent sounds closer to the truth.

The amount of money we are talking about here is astronomical. Unheard of since FDR's spenda palooza and it took WWII to pull us out of that mess. Guess we'll need WWIII to do the same now. Funny how history repeats itself isn't it?

Man, I need a drink before I rupture a blood vessel.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Bank of America suckling at the Gov. Teet

Well lookie here, the bailout mania keeps rolling along.

In the dead of night Bank of America got a 20 Billion bailout deal.

Wonderful how that works isn't it? Wait until the reporters have left for the day then print a few wheelbarrows full cash and like magic it’s another bailout.

Good news is this bailout of incompetence can't go on forever. It's a total charade that will collapse. Bad news is when it finally does our currency will be just like Zimbabwe's. Almost totally worthless.

Cheery thought for your Friday isn’t it?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ricardo Montalban RIP 1920-2009


Very sad that Ricardo Montalban passed away but he lived a long good life and was loved by millions worldwide. Can't ask for more than that out of life.

For my generation he will always be known primarily for these roles: 

  • The amiable, all knowing host Mr. Roarke with his ever present side kick Tattoo.
  • As the evil but oh so cool villain Khan Noonien Singh from Star Trek II. (the best of the Start treks in my opinion)
  • As Vincent Ludwig, the main foil to Leslie Nielsen in 1st naked gun movie

Or who could forget ultra hip car salesman trying to entice us into buying a Chrysler Cordoba with it's rich Corinthian leather.

Goodbye & God bless sir.

News of his passing here: Suave actor Ricardo Montalban dies

Check out IMDB for everything he was every in but it's a LOT of reading.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cool cat photo

I love cat’s. Yeah, I’m a guy and love cats. Funny thing is that when I was younger I used to hate them. Could hardly stand to be around them let alone own any. As I got older my hatred softened to the point it turned into love. Weird how that works isn’t it?

We own 3 Cornish Rex cat’s and have a stray that I’ve name Gollum we feed about 3 times a day. When he 1st started coming around over the summer he was skin and bones, scared to death. Now he’s gotten rather plump from all the good cat chow we’ve gave him and even comes in the house to play with our cats and ferrets.

Anyway, kinda got off topic as I typically do. Ran across the above photo saved in my Google reader links of all places. It always make me smile so thought I’d post it on here.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Obamasiah to close club Gitmo during 1st week in office

Personally I think he's insane to do this but I understand why he's doing it. Has to placate his lunatic anti-war moonbat base with something to keep them happy and this is the sacrificial lamb so to speak.

What will become of these Muslim terrorist slimbag punks is anyone's guess. I've seen articles where they could be sent to several different countries in Europe or even Britain. Who knows. I'd just as soon they are kept at Gitmo until they can be tried by our military outside of the US justice system and let the shite fall where it may.

If closing Gitmo causes harm or death to anyone than this debacle is on his head. His followers might think he's our new savior but even he can't raise the dead.

Obama to Issue Order Closing Gitmo During First Week in Office - Transition Tracker

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ronaldus Maximus farewell speech 20 years ago today

Saw this video over at the always excellent Flopping Aces blog and deemed it more than worthy of a re-post. I as a 12 year old kid lived through the Reagan revolution and remember it very well. After the 4 disastrous years of Carter, Regan was a godsend. He was the catalyst that got me interest in politics and have been ever since. Watching video of him makes me sad that the great man is gone and we'll never see the likes of him again. Times like this we could really use him.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Atlas Shrugged: From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years

Great article from Stephen Moore that I had to repost because it's so very true. I haven't read Atlas Shrugs in about 15 years but think I will read it again just to see how close it is to the reality we are living right now.

David Kelley, the president of the Atlas Society, which is dedicated to promoting Rand's ideas, explains that "the older the book gets, the more timely its message." He tells me that there are plans to make "Atlas Shrugged" into a major motion picture -- it is the only classic novel of recent decades that was never made into a movie. "We don't need to make a movie out of the book," Mr. Kelley jokes. "We are living it right now."

Atlas Shrugged: From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years

Flynt & Francis want 5 Billion bailout for porn

Sure, give them the money. Why the hell not?

The Washington weasels are handing out wheelbarrows full of (soon to be worthless paper) cash to anyone that comes begging for money so why not bail out the porn industry too?

We all know these porn guys are scumbags and unlike our ‘elected’ officials they don’t try to hide it and they offer a valuable service to any willing adult.

Porn industry seeking stimulus

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The real history of Israel

Good historical piece from a guy I think should run for president Larry Elder. It's a brief history of the land that Israel and Palestinians now live on and who really has 'dibs' on it and guess what, it's not Muslims. If we had proper schools in Amerika then most everyone would know this already but anyway, that's another subject altogether.

Israel lies in the ancient Fertile Crescent's southwest corner, with some of the oldest archeological evidence of primitive towns and agriculture. Historians and archeologists believe the Hebrews probably arrived in the area in the second millennium B.C. The nation itself was formed as the Israelites left Egypt during the Exodus, believed to be in the late 13th century B.C.

The 12 tribes of Israel united in about 1050 B.C., forming the Kingdom of Israel. David, the second king of Israel, established Jerusalem as Israel's national capital 3,000 years ago. Jewish kingdoms and states existed intermittently in the region for a millennium.

Read all here: Israelis and Palestinians: Who's David, Who's Goliath?

Stop the post! Right before I hit publish, ran into this nice companion piece: Palestinians Are Getting What They Voted For

It points out the obvious to those of use who pay attention to current events but should be informative to most.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Peace can be achieved through superior firepower

Must read from Uncle Ted, great as always.

What else can I say except he lays it totally on the line, telling it like it is about the Israel Vs. Hamas war. What led up to it and how to end it for good. Peace can only be gained when Israel pounds Hamas back into the stone age where they and their 6th century mentality belong. Don't stop or let up until it's done. No cease fires, no time-outs so Hamas can reorg & rearm. Just get it done once and for all.

Read the brilliance of Mr. Nugent here: Israel's Path To Peace

Monday, January 5, 2009

Okrah's hope-a-dope

This column is worth a repost for one line alone but all of it is great. As I was perusing it on wordlnetdaily silently nodding my head in agreement, I read this "free gas, free houses, global harmony, free health care and cute little cartoon bluebirds that flutter around whistling "Shiny Happy People" while pooping government checks that smell like roses"

Well I almost choked to death on the coffee I had just swallowed and was thinking of using that line in my email sig but I really like my Michael Crichton quote so I didn't change it.

Anyway, just a flipping brilliant and makes more sense when read in context here Oprah's 'hope-a-dope'

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Big Lie and the True History of Palestine

Great video here showing the true history of Israel and Palestine.

If your not to terribly brainwashed by Islam & it's Western enablers watch and learn something.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years

Here's the obligatory happy new years post. My year is starting off pretty sucky as I'm losing the job I've had for the past 22 years in 30-60 days. It really blows but what can you do. The company made a lot of bad choices and went tit's up, was bought out by another and they have decided they don't need us anymore. It's happening to a LOT of others too but doesn't make it any easier to deal with.

Anyway, here's wishing everyone a happy New Year and here is a great song that I try and listen to every New years day and by a strange coincidence it's called new years day.