Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Diversity gone bugnuts: Denver Axes mascot 'Boone'

Ran across this news story today and it just floored me. Jaw hit the table, mumbling obscenities to myself. Don't know why I even care as I don't know anyone in Denver nor have I ever visited there and might add don't ever plan to. But having said that stories like this bug the shit out of me.

How in god's green world could that cute little logo offend anyone? It was designed by Walt Disney himself and they should feel honored for even having it. 87% percent of the University wants the mascot returned but the politically correct moonbats that run the place don't care about the will of the people. It's all about DIVERSITY! Screw the majority to placate a minority of which none are really complaining. The university committee seems to have made this entire non-existent problem up out of thin air for some reason. Probably to assuage their own white guilt at past transgressions of which they had no direct part in.

If your life is so pathetic that something that tame offends you then find the tallest building and jump already. Seriously if that's offensive to you then I'm certain you are officially clinically retarded and should not be walking around in a free society.

Read it here and then shed a tear for our once great nation as we become more pussified by the day.

Denver axes mascot 'Boone' in diversity drive

I love what one of the commentators had to say at the end of the article:
Never trust anyone that uses the phrase "people of color" or words like "inclusiveness" and "diversity". These are people that are mindless, brainwashed morons and are discriminatory themselves because words and phrases like these are just codewords for discriminatory actions against whites.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Aww man this rocks

Just ran across one of my favorite songs of all time on youtube and had to post it. Haven't heard this tune in probably 25 years and finding it by sheer accident just made my freaking day!

Suppose there isn't a real video for this song so the fella who posted it just threw in some footage of hot models. Oh well, that works too.

Crank it up to 11 and enjoy. Sausalito Summernight by Diesel

Pakistani valley falls to Taliban militants (terrorists)

Think the drive by media will cover this as much as all the protest's against Israel for it's self defense from Rocket attacks from Hezbollah?  heh, yeah right.

Taliban militants are beheading and burning their way through Pakistan's picturesque Swat Valley, and residents say the insurgents now control most of the mountainous region outside the lawless tribal
areas where jihadists thrive.

The deteriorating situation in the former tourist haven comes despite an army offensive that began in 2007
and an attempted peace deal. It is especially worrisome to Pakistani officials because the valley lies away from the areas where al-Qaida and Taliban militants have traditionally operated and where the military is staging a separate offensive.

"You can't imagine how bad it is," said Muzaffar ul-Mulk, a federal lawmaker whose home in Swat was attacked by bomb-toting assailants in mid-December, weeks after he left. "It's worse day by day."

The Taliban activity in northwest Pakistan also comes as the country shifts forces east to the Indian border because of tensions over last month's terrorist attacks in Mumbai, potentially giving insurgents more space to maneuver along the Afghan frontier.

Militants began preying on Swat's lush mountain ranges about two years ago, and it is now too dangerous for foreign and Pakistani journalists to visit. Interviews with residents, lawmakers and officials who have fled the region paint a dire picture.

A suicide blast killed 40 people Sunday at a polling station in Buner, an area bordering Swat that had
been relatively peaceful. The attack underscored fears that even so-called "settled" regions presumptively under government control are increasingly unsafe.

Read entire article here: Scenic Pakistani valley falls to Taliban militants

Friday, December 26, 2008

This isn't the Charlie Brown I remember

Ran across this video on a great political blog today called black and right.

About crapped my drawers while watching. It does 2 things to me at once. Lays a wide open bleeding wound on a childhood memory and makes me laugh my ass off so it must be cool! If your easily offended don't watch it! You have been warned.


If you like it then check out the website it originated from a website called Most offensive video

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah

All the rest, piss off! Hows that for tolerance? I'm a Christian and this great nation was founded on Judeo-christian values so that is what I celebrate.

Anyway, before I go off on rant this post is for anyone who might be celebrating Kwanzaa hut, or whatever the hell it's called. Guess what, its fake! Not real, made up by a convicted felon in 1966.

Read the articles below and see the truth of your stupidity

Happy Angry Racist Marxist Torturer Day

Violent 60s radical invented fake holiday

Kwanzaa: Holiday From The FBI

The TRUTH about Kwanzaa

Happy Kwanzaa

What Bush, Post didn't tell you about Kwanzaa

Black minister: Say 'no' to Kwanzaa

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Perhaps Bush isn't Hitler?

Well Shazam, what the hell do you know.

Could it be that Bush & Cheney aren't the Hitler & Goebbel's they have been made out to be by the MSM? Sure looks that way to me. I have a feeling after they are out of office more stories like this will trickle out. Oh don't worry the MSM will still hate them just not as much.

Washington Times - EXCLUSIVE: Bush, Cheney comforted troops privately

Monday, December 22, 2008

Nanny state update: All your food belong to us

Simply hard to believe that in present day America this is occurring. Higher taxes on food the the nanny staters don't approve of us eating. Seems they just won't quit until they control everything we do & say. This will continue and only get much worse until WE the people stop them. Either by voting them out of office or other means that are perhaps not so democratic. The rate the country is deteriorating I'm afraid the latter is quickly becoming the last best option.

Years ago I knew that once they were done with Cigarettes they would keep going & fast food or junk food would be next.

The last comment at the end of the article is spot-on.

To be blunt, I don’t want to live in an America where the government sees a cold Coca-Cola on a hot summer day as something to be taxed and regulated.

Read it all here: Tax on soda is a breakthrough

Friday, December 19, 2008

It's Friday so Muslims must be pissed about something

And right on Que they are! This time Long John Silvers has apparently offended their delicate sensibilities for daring to offer a children's toy that had build with Jesus on it. Oh the unspeakable horror of it! How will they ever recover from such a dastardly transgression by a American corporation? Oh I know, by extorting as much money and apologies as they can get out of them that's how.

The headquarters of Yum! (parent company of LJS) is 3 miles up the road from me and I'll bet they fall all over themselves to cave into the demands of Cair the always looking to be offended Muslims. Me? I would tell them to screw off or something far less politically correct. This nation was & is Judeo-Christian based and if they don't like it to get the hell out.

Read all about it here: Muslims Offended by Fast Food toy

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Interview with Joe the plumber on Pajamas TV

Good clip, seems like a pretty down to earth dude.

Conservatism 2.0 - Dec. 17th - Joe Wurzelbacher

Green wacko's will do anything to keep the US from becoming energy independent

Isn't it a bit strange that (it seems to me anyway) the only time the enviro wack jobs find a plant or animal to list on the endangered species list is about the same time a natural resource is found on the land that could greatly help out America?

It kinda of goes with what Rush says about the enviro nuts that the whole movement has been hi-jacked by displace commies that had no where to go after the old Soviet Union fell apart.

Environmentalists sue over rare flower

Just for a bonus here's the Sierra Club trying to shutdown power to a entire town.
Sierra Club Asks Federal Court to Cut Off Power to Holland, Michigan Community

Monday, December 15, 2008

Lucky it was only shoes

Here's the obligatory Bush get's shoe thrown at him post.

Seen the I've seen the video several times and 2 things surprised me.

1. Bush's reaction time. He's really quick for a older guy. Look at that pic. I don't think I would have ducked that any faster and I'm 20 years younger. I'll bet he ages much like his dad which is to say not much at all. The elder bush is what, late 80's now and still looks great and gets around fine.

2. Two shoes made it through? I think the secret service really screwed up. 1 shoe making it through, yeah ok. But two? They should have had Bush on the ground covered before the 2nd shoe left that reporters hand. What if the shoe had been a shoe bomb, ala Richard Reid. A grenade? Had a razor blade in the sole? The results could have been catasrophic. Deranged douchebag Liberals would have rejoiced but the rest of us would have been horrified.

Youtube video

LA Times link

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Quotes from the gipper

A friend at work just sent me a email full of quotes from in my opinion one of the best presidents we ever had. Times like this with the economy in the shitter and moonbats running wild proposing all kinds of socialist programs to screw us up even more I really, really miss this guy. We have got to perfect human cloning soon so we can bring this outstanding American back and set things right.

Until then all we have is his words:

Here's my strategy on the Cold War: "We win, they lose."

"The most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."

"Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong."

"I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress."

"The taxpayer: That's someone who works for the federal government, but doesn't have to take the civil service examination."

"Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other."

"The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program."

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first."

"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it."

"Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed, there are many rewards; if you disgrace yourself, you can always write a book."

"No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is as formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.

"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under."

Gayday Gayday!

Well well, today is officially gay day where all gays are supposed to stay home from work in protest of prop 8 out in the peoples Republic of California. Yeah, I know, who gives a shit right? Well I sure don't and probably 95% of the populace doesn't either or they don't even know about it to care.

No one at my place is off today except the boss which makes me wonder......But anyway has anyone thought of bi-sexuals? What will they do take 1/2 day off and if so which part of the day? That one will keep me up tonight!

From my perspective the gays can take the whole week off. Like I care if Hollywood shuts down for a day (wish they would for longer) and so what if can't get our hair styled today? Haven't had a haircut since 1995 and even then I did it myself! Just not seeing much of a loss to anyone so go for it.

As for the rest of us that aren't gay best way to handle it is to just ignore it. All they want is attention and if they get it the more like little children who didn't get what they want they'll act.

Recommended reading:

Here's a good one from the always stellar Stop the ACLU

From Protein Wisdom Did you call in ‘gay’ today?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

December 7th 1941

Take a moment from your busy day to remember all those brave souls who died this day 67 years and also remember the greatest generation who fought and won world war II. I'm afraid people of that ilk we'll never see on this earth again and sadly they die by the thousands every day.

Excellent tribute and remembrance here

Saturday, December 6, 2008

RIP Forrest J Ackerman 1916-2008

If you are a horror & sci-fi fan like myself you don't need to be told how important this guy is and what his accomplishments were.

Great obit from the LA Times right here.

Great tribute from Peter Jackson at ain't it cool news here.

Read both and see what a truly living legend Uncle Forry was. He will be sorely missed.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Can we wait until he accomplishes something before renaming the country after him?

Just read a great piece from John Hawkins over at Townhall on the quest by some Obama worshipers to rename anything and everything after their new messiah. I totally agree with every word he wrote.

You know, how about we wait until he at least cures a ham or heals a dog before we Cannonize him the new Saint of emptysuitdouchbaggery. (Best I could think of, it's been a long week)

Snippet below:
So, before we carve Barack Obama's face right there on Mt. Rushmore beside of Abe Lincoln, perhaps we should wait to see if he's as good at tackling this country's very real problems as he is at raising money, reading speeches off a teleprompter, and chucking his former friends and allies under the bus.

Read it all here: Before We Carve Barack Obama's Face on Mt. Rushmore

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Straight talk from Fred Thompson

Outstanding no bullshit video from Fred Thompson just telling like it is about how we got in this financial mess. Wish I would have had the chance to vote for this guy but it was already decided for McCain before Kentucky got to vote in the primaries.

Watching this makes my mind drift to a what could have been moment.

Jews tortured by Muslims before being executed

Stop the presses....Muslims that hate jews & aren't just satisifed with them dead they have to endure suffering 1st!?! I'm so freaking shocked! Well not really.

I'll give Fox credit for 1 thing in this story. Actually calling them Muslim fanatics. Muslim terrorists would have been more preferable but you take what you can get I suppose. That's more than the rest of the MSM will say. They (fox included) are too busy trotting out one talking head out after another like Deepak Chopra blaming everyone but the Muslims terrorists themselves for the Mumbai massacre.

Typical Anti-west, Anti-American bullshit, doing anything to avoiding placing the blame where it really lies.

Mourners Bury Israelis Tortured Before Mumbai Executions