Amen brother! Pass the ammo, load the guns and let's go hunting !
The Nuge nails it (as usual) in this scathing piece about RINO's and the need to get them out of the Republican party.
Great advice and IMO should start with Arnie in the peoples republiK of Kalifornia. Really sad when the return of Gray Davis sounds better than keeping Arnie around. I mean seriously do you think he could/would have done worse?
Anyway, here's a quote from Uncle Ted in the article:
RINOs are Fedzilla punks who feign support for conservative principles
only when it serves their political interest. RINOs are also known for
their moderate positions such as supporting tax increases, federal
“bailouts”, “comprehensive immigration reform”, advocating more
counterproductive gun control that guarantee more innocent victims,
opposing the death penalty, and growing and sustaining Fedzilla and all
its toxic mongrels by going along with the liberals. RINOs have
forgotten President Ronald Maximus Regan's admonition that government
is the problem, not the solution.
Entire piece here
Also not to be missed is Ted's Davy Crockett Rant
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